jiangzhengwenjz 发表于 2019-5-30 06:01:14

作者:Alexander Nicholi


Welcome to Pokémon Citrite version! This ROM hack brings to life a heretofore unknown adventure, with all of the improvements you want out of a hack and then some. Take it from Hinkage that it's a mystery how you ended up in a radioactive wasteland unharmed – but because of it you set out on a mission to find out what happened to you, and what the deal is with the fallout you wake up to. All sorts of mysteries unfold in Citrite, from an omniscient “MEGA Corporation” run by a maverick, to the feudal divides in the Tohjo region, to even military factions and Kanto's International Police getting a stake in things. It sure is medieval. What will you make of your adventure?

1. Le pug, for advice and help working with Emerald, and his decapitalization patch
2. Bela, Team Fail, linkandzelda, and all of the other regulars of RHM/#rhm/our community for advice and suggestions for Citrite. :)
3. Shiny Quagsire, Touched, cosarara97, daniilS, and the other developers in our circle, for keeping me motivated and on my toes with software engineering. :)
4. diegoisawesome for his intro enhancement patch for Emerald
5. sky0fblades for their FF byte patch for Emerald
4. Nintendo, for the ROM bases we all use :P
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查看完整版本: Pokémon Citrite Version alpha 1.3.1【英文绿宝石改版】