RX3E 发表于 2013-11-23 15:31:32




Pokemon onix blue, although the name suggest the game has something to do with the Pokemon onix it does not. The starter pokemon in Pokemon onix blue is Mew,Celibi, and Jirachi. In Pokemon onix, the pokemon seen in the game are from the first three generations and all the starters from the first three generations can be found in the grass right on the first route. Now your rival's team as well as the other trainers Pokemon team's throughout the hack have been edited and altered and in my opinion the gym leaders new teams are simply amazing my favorite was the 8th gym's Pokemon Trainer Wallace's newly revised team.

购买主题 已有 13 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 3 BP现金 才能浏览

jiangzhengwenjz 发表于 2013-11-23 15:35:04




Pokemon onix blue, although the name suggest the game has something to do with the Pokemon onix it does not. The starter pokemon in Pokemon onix blue is Mew,Celibi, and Jirachi. In Pokemon onix, the pokemon seen in the game are from the first three generations and all the starters from the first three generations can be found in the grass right on the first route. Now your rival's team as well as the other trainers Pokemon team's throughout the hack have been edited and altered and in my opinion the gym leaders new teams are simply amazing my favorite was the 8th gym's Pokemon Trainer Wallace's newly revised team.

购买主题 已有 13 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 3 BP现金 才能浏览

蓝色护域 发表于 2013-11-23 15:52:54




Pokemon onix blue, although the name suggest the game has something to do with the Pokemon onix it does not. The starter pokemon in Pokemon onix blue is Mew,Celibi, and Jirachi. In Pokemon onix, the pokemon seen in the game are from the first three generations and all the starters from the first three generations can be found in the grass right on the first route. Now your rival's team as well as the other trainers Pokemon team's throughout the hack have been edited and altered and in my opinion the gym leaders new teams are simply amazing my favorite was the 8th gym's Pokemon Trainer Wallace's newly revised team.

购买主题 已有 13 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 3 BP现金 才能浏览

独返_请不要 发表于 2013-11-23 16:19:45




Pokemon onix blue, although the name suggest the game has something to do with the Pokemon onix it does not. The starter pokemon in Pokemon onix blue is Mew,Celibi, and Jirachi. In Pokemon onix, the pokemon seen in the game are from the first three generations and all the starters from the first three generations can be found in the grass right on the first route. Now your rival's team as well as the other trainers Pokemon team's throughout the hack have been edited and altered and in my opinion the gym leaders new teams are simply amazing my favorite was the 8th gym's Pokemon Trainer Wallace's newly revised team.

购买主题 已有 13 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 3 BP现金 才能浏览

X-hole 发表于 2013-11-23 16:27:55




Pokemon onix blue, although the name suggest the game has something to do with the Pokemon onix it does not. The starter pokemon in Pokemon onix blue is Mew,Celibi, and Jirachi. In Pokemon onix, the pokemon seen in the game are from the first three generations and all the starters from the first three generations can be found in the grass right on the first route. Now your rival's team as well as the other trainers Pokemon team's throughout the hack have been edited and altered and in my opinion the gym leaders new teams are simply amazing my favorite was the 8th gym's Pokemon Trainer Wallace's newly revised team.

购买主题 已有 13 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 3 BP现金 才能浏览

43523452 发表于 2013-11-23 16:36:46




Pokemon onix blue, although the name suggest the game has something to do with the Pokemon onix it does not. The starter pokemon in Pokemon onix blue is Mew,Celibi, and Jirachi. In Pokemon onix, the pokemon seen in the game are from the first three generations and all the starters from the first three generations can be found in the grass right on the first route. Now your rival's team as well as the other trainers Pokemon team's throughout the hack have been edited and altered and in my opinion the gym leaders new teams are simply amazing my favorite was the 8th gym's Pokemon Trainer Wallace's newly revised team.

购买主题 已有 13 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 3 BP现金 才能浏览

PowerGem 发表于 2017-5-19 17:55:55




Pokemon onix blue, although the name suggest the game has something to do with the Pokemon onix it does not. The starter pokemon in Pokemon onix blue is Mew,Celibi, and Jirachi. In Pokemon onix, the pokemon seen in the game are from the first three generations and all the starters from the first three generations can be found in the grass right on the first route. Now your rival's team as well as the other trainers Pokemon team's throughout the hack have been edited and altered and in my opinion the gym leaders new teams are simply amazing my favorite was the 8th gym's Pokemon Trainer Wallace's newly revised team.

购买主题 已有 13 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 3 BP现金 才能浏览

hypnos13 发表于 2019-12-31 09:21:35




Pokemon onix blue, although the name suggest the game has something to do with the Pokemon onix it does not. The starter pokemon in Pokemon onix blue is Mew,Celibi, and Jirachi. In Pokemon onix, the pokemon seen in the game are from the first three generations and all the starters from the first three generations can be found in the grass right on the first route. Now your rival's team as well as the other trainers Pokemon team's throughout the hack have been edited and altered and in my opinion the gym leaders new teams are simply amazing my favorite was the 8th gym's Pokemon Trainer Wallace's newly revised team.

购买主题 已有 13 人购买  本主题需向作者支付 3 BP现金 才能浏览
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