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Pokemon Dusk Roar Of Darkrai Beta 1(英文火红改版)









Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14



发表于 2013-10-27 18:12:09 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




Its abe,With a hack for all you pokemon fans.I made this thread simple,because i am not going to waste my time to make a CSS to make this thread beautiful.xD anyways This hack is called Dusk. As you see i am a graphic based rom hacker. inserting tiles,making tiles,making tilemaps and stuff like those. But i am a n00b at scripting. i will need alot of scripters to help me xD. If you wish to help me just post the application on ROM Hyckerz thread on Team Disscussions section. Enough talks now lets go to the hack-


- New Hero
- New GYM Leaders
- New Tiles
- New and exciting fun to explore maps
- New scripts
- Hopefully,New musics

And much more :D

In the region of Zeph, the evil team toxic spreading.Team toxic's boss caught Darkrai with a very special pokeball now a days considerd as masterball. Although team toxic has compleate control over darkrai, They want more. They want to take entire control over the Zeph region. Their goal is to capture the region, one city at a time. They force darkrai to use Dark Void attack on humans to make them their slave. They captured 5 out of 8 cities so far, made those cities there territories. Their are 3 other cities left that has not been captured which are Evergreen village,Crisma town and Pokemon League. The pokemon trainers from those city are very angry about what team toxic are doing, They want to do something about it.

The Zeph region champion; Lance has forged Team Kenta; a group of pokemon trainers, who's main aim is to release darkrai and disband team toxic.

You [player] used to be the Champion of Sinnoh Region until Prof.Rawn defeted you and became the new sinnoh region champion. You freed the pokemons you used to have on the sinnoh region then after a month, You moved to the kenta region on Evergreen Village.

Lance knows all about every kind of champions. The cureent champions of sinnoh,kenta,hoenn etc, The former champions of sinnoh,zeph,hoenn etc. You name it. Since lance knows You are a former champion of Sinnoh and moved to Evergreen village,with some help of prof.rawn he learns that you moved to evergreen village, and he comes and search for you to request to join there team.

You start your journey, But first you visit Prof.Realm's Lab to get you starter. When you goto Route 1 You meet someone mistirous (lance) That person asks you If you are [player] you say yes then he says perpair to battle then you battle him. After the battle he goes away and starts to stalk you. At the end of the route you meet someone else (a member of team kenta). Then that person also battles you, After the battle he goes away then Lance comes and says 'Bravo bravo, You have passed the test.' then you 'say what? what test? i don't understand.' Then he says 'you will understand everything when i explain it to you.' then he also says 'come to our mansion, The Team Kenta mansion on crisma city then i will explain everything to you there.'

Then you goto crisma city and goto team kenta's mansion. Lance explains everything to you and requests you to join their team as a admin. You decide for a while, Then after that you say yes, Accept the terms and agreements and successfully join team kenta. Then you start your carrer as a Team Kenta Administrator..


Ziekku- Tree Tiles and Pallets.
Alistar- Sand Tiles and Pallets.
Wesley FG- Tiles and Pallets.
Kyledove- Tiles and Pallets.
Punk Rocker- Pallets.
Linkandzelda- Helping me learn scripting.

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